My experiences in Siebel
I started with Siebel in the winter of 1998, when my company bought the siebel product to replace a Custom CallCenter application (which was written VB,Access and Oracle , and became too difficult to support).
The product was Siebel 98 and we went to Boston and got trained on Siebel 99. That July/August time frame we went live with Siebel. I worked with that product till about 2003 . I was instrumental in improving the system by adding CTI , email response, enterprise integration and migrating it to Siebel 7.5.
I left that system and company and joined a Colorado company , doing 'one of the largest and most comprehensive' siebel implementations. I helped to implement two core capabilities in that implementation which stressed Siebel product to its limit. I used workflows,business services and EAI to implement them.
I currently work as a Siebel consultant for yet another 'largest implementation' Siebel. I spent a lot of time in the administrative aspects of a huge siebel implementation where load balancing, zero downtime change migration , object manager and SQL tuning are very important.
I specializes in Object Manger tuning and data model . I love troubleshooting Siebel issues in all levels. Apart from work I try to study all kinds of interesting technology such as J2EE development and administration, Java, .NET development, and Oracle SQL and DBA. I am certified by Microsoft(MCSE+SB) , Oracle(OCP DBA), Sun(SCJP) and IBM(DB2 Solutions Expert). I tries to use such technologies with Siebel. Example are JMS Business service, Siebel Web Services and Siebel Java Bean .