Sunday, April 24, 2005

My experiences in Siebel

I started with Siebel in the winter of 1998, when my company bought the siebel product to replace a Custom CallCenter application (which was written VB,Access and Oracle , and became too difficult to support).
The product was Siebel 98 and we went to Boston and got trained on Siebel 99. That July/August time frame we went live with Siebel. I worked with that product till about 2003 . I was instrumental in improving the system by adding CTI , email response, enterprise integration and migrating it to Siebel 7.5.

I left that system and company and joined a Colorado company , doing 'one of the largest and most comprehensive' siebel implementations. I helped to implement two core capabilities in that implementation which stressed Siebel product to its limit. I used workflows,business services and EAI to implement them.

I currently work as a Siebel consultant for yet another 'largest implementation' Siebel. I spent a lot of time in the administrative aspects of a huge siebel implementation where load balancing, zero downtime change migration , object manager and SQL tuning are very important.

I specializes in Object Manger tuning and data model . I love troubleshooting Siebel issues in all levels. Apart from work I try to study all kinds of interesting technology such as J2EE development and administration, Java, .NET development, and Oracle SQL and DBA. I am certified by Microsoft(MCSE+SB) , Oracle(OCP DBA), Sun(SCJP) and IBM(DB2 Solutions Expert). I tries to use such technologies with Siebel. Example are JMS Business service, Siebel Web Services and Siebel Java Bean .

Retrieving URL from scripting environment

Please check to see if a portal framework business
service-- Web Engine HTTP TXN has a method to get this..
I vaguely remember that I used it to get the server

Web Engine Transport is also very useful for many
other such needs like getting cookie information and
get other session information. This business service
is documented in the Portal framework guide in 772

> > Hi All,
> >
> > Any body know how to get application URL
> > [thinclient] from a script or workflow.